Christmas is (nearly) here!

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.” - Dr. Seuss

You are invited

Join the Festivities!

We are counting down to Christmas (since last Christmas) and we want you to be part of it. Below are a list of gifts we have prepped this year for the next 2 months, and we can't do it without you.

Please take a look at the description and fill in the form directly. We can't wait to have you to spread the cheer together, as how you are and the energy you bring to this world.

Nov & Dec

The gift that keeps giving

Gift Box Sets

We are known for our personalized baubles, and the gift box obviously. This year, we are back with a brand new line-up of colors and gift boxes.

We not only are gifting you a gift box, we are also gonna send them for you to a person/people of your choice.

Swipe to see the note.

Yes, yes, yes! 若有意願收取禮物,請依以下指示完成禮物的選擇搭配!

Start Gifting


The Details

  • 至多隨意搭配6顆聖誕球,除了一份禮盒送自己,另外準備兩份2 入禮盒送給兩位親友、或是一份 4 入禮盒送給一人。
  • 需要請收禮的人標註你讓你可以再次轉發,並標籤我們,一起分享送禮的喜悅!


  • 若希望自己收到所有禮盒後自己親自送給對方,請直接進入商品頁,並一次挑選完畢所有禮盒組
  • 若希望我們幫忙寄送,請將準備給自己的、與給對方的禮盒組分開下單,並在寄送資訊填寫對方收件資訊,可在禮盒中加選卡片與填入訊息,讓對方知道是你的心意!
  • 再次提醒使用我們為你預備的公關優惠碼
  • 外加免運輸入 PRship
  • 結帳會是 0 元 (on us!)
  • 送單後有任何問題我們都會聯繫你的~不要擔心!